ASEA Employees Assemble Backpacks for Utah Refugee Children

ALF Backpack Kits Service Project

In partnership with Utah Refugee Connection, the Advancing Life Foundation hosted a service project at ASEA corporate headquarters that will provide school supplies to child refugees in need. With over 65,000 refugees living in the state of Utah, these much-needed supplies will aid families who otherwise wouldn’t be able to get their children ready for the new school year.

Community Action for Refugees

Utah Refugee Connection’s mission is to create meaningful connections between refugees and the community to encourage the development of self-sufficient and fulfilling lives. Last year they provided over 1,000 backpacks and school supplies for elementary and secondary refugee students.

Working Together, Serving Together

ASEA employees donated binders, pencils, notebooks, crayons, scissors, and glue sticks to assemble into 210 backpack kits for young children. On the morning of Wednesday, July 28, both the production facility team and the corporate team assembled the supplies and gathered them into a truck before delivering and donating them to One Refugee Utah.

“It’s always great being able to give back to the local community,” says ASEA employee Veronica Huebsch. “The opportunities that the Advancing Life Foundation arranges for us to help serve are wonderful to be a part of.”

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