Giving and Growing Together: Building a Better World with the Burkes

Giving and Growing Together: Building a Better World with the Burkes

ASEA Athlete Shawn Burke and his wife Veronica live in Post Falls, Idaho. Veronica is originally from Mexico and because of her passion for helping people in the region, she and Shawn have joined several Advancing Life Foundation expeditions. Read their stories below, told in their native languages.

Shawn’s Story

Ever since my days as an army ranger, I’ve really had a hard time with the word, “mission.” But all of that changed when I learned about the work Advancing Life does to help others to give back and build up communities all around the world. The word “mission” has taken on a whole new meaning to me ever since my wife Veronica came back from her expedition to Mexico with the foundation.

I was so inspired by her first trip to the small rural village of La Concepcion in 2016. I remember her calling me from the village and the joy in her voice when she said, “Shawn, this is how I grew up, having nothing. I relate to the struggles of these people because I used to sleep on the dirt floor and have trouble finding water. Now I get to help them.” From that point forward we decided to go on each expedition together and it’s been an incredible experience.

Building in Ecuador

We were blessed to help break ground on the new Inta-Kara Advancing Life Center, a vocational school deep in the jungles of the Intag region of Ecuador. We were the first group to start the foundation, digging ditches, hauling rock, laying cement, and building the walls of a school that would change the lives of the locals. Occasionally during the process, I’d look up from my work to wipe the sweat off my brow and see the kids of Intag walking by and they were so excited to see what we were doing.

Veronica and I have gone back to Ecuador three years in a row and with the vocational school open those same kids are taking classes there. They’ve also learned to raise chickens and grow crops in order to feed their families. My wife and I still maintain relationships with them and it’s been life-changing to have these relationships.

Witnessing a Change

By far the most amazing thing about these expeditions for me was witnessing my wife in her natural element. It’s like she came into her own through these volunteer opportunities. Watching her outpouring of love towards the people, her hard work, and seeing her soul really shine is so beautiful and powerful.

I’ve learned so much about myself. I had been an army guy with a lot of trauma and these trips really broke me down and humbled me. The people of the village showed me what love is by offering whatever they had to accommodate us. Their outpouring of gratitude for the work we did in their community has really taught me a lot about love. They’re so humble, thankful, and happy, yet they have very little in the way of material things. It reminds me that I have so much more to give and so much more to be happy about than I ever thought.

Changing Hearts, Changing Lives

This foundation is the real deal. It is so much more than just donating money or doing a Saturday service project. It’s a lifestyle and all of the expeditioners are so dedicated to this mission. The foundation is changing the world, one village at a time, and it has been an honor to witness that with my own eyes.

Not only does the work change the lives of families in need so drastically, through education, supplies, and resources, it also changes each volunteer’s life. Veronica and I were sponsored by Advancing Life donors in order to participate in these expeditions and we will be forever grateful to them. If you’re wanting to find your way back home to yourself as Veronica and I did, then I highly recommend you join the efforts to make an impact.

La Historia de Veronica

Mi inspiración fue ser parte del primer viaje humanitario, a mi país México, la idea de regresar y ser parte del equipo de ayuda a familias de bajos recursos, me lleno de emoción y gratitud porque yo tambien crecí de la misma forma con escases. Advancing Life Foundation me dio la oportunidad unica de poder servir a varias familias del pequeño poblado de la concepción

Y gracias al trabajo que hicimos hace años, hasta el día de hoy las familias continúan obteniendo un beneficio, puse mi corazón y energía en este gran proyecto, por siempre voy a estar agradecida a Advancing Life Foundation y a todo el grupo de trabajo que ayudo a mejora la vida de las personas de la comunidad de la Concepción “gracias ASEA expedición México”.

“Erradicar la pobreza y hacer el bien”, Vivimos en un mundo donde nadie tiene tiempo, y saber que Advancing Life Foundation ha tomado tiempo de crear un proyecto humanitario y llevar esperanza a los países más necesitados, es una de las experiencias más extraordinarias que he tenido en mi vida, ver la reacción de las personas, convivir con ellos estar físicamente allí poniendo mi granito de arena en ese mar de posibilidades, me hace sentir que mi vida tiene sentido, creo en ayudar a otros, y este programa ha sido el mejor recurso para hacerlo.

México y Ecuador

México fue mi primera expedición y tuvimos varias actividades en construcción, usando cemento y barro cargando botes llenos de agua, arena y cemento. Tuve el privilegio en México con nuestro grupo de ayudar a construir, cisternas de agua, gallineros y estufas de leña, este proyecto ayudo a la comunidad para almacenar agua potable, criar gallinas para vender o comer lo huevos, las mujeres que obtuvieron estufas y hornos de leña, les dieron clases de repostería para comenzar a ganar un ingreso extra vendiendo pasteles o galletas para mantener a sus familias.

Me enamore de Ecuador!, mi esposo me a acompaño en estos 3 años de viajes humanitarios a Ecuador, llegamos cuando no había más que una barda, y un terreno vacío, usamos picos, palas, cargamos piedras, mojamos los ladrillos y tuvimos diversión, en grupo como una gran familia después de terminar el día de trabajo.

El equipo de trabajo de Ecuador se convirtió en familia y este increíble proyecto brinda educación a jóvenes, que han terminado la secundaria y quieren obtener una profesión corta, con clases como: soldadura, electricidad, repostería, mecánica y cocina al proveer clases los jóvenes de las comunidades no emigran a ciudades grandes donde son expuestos a los peligros de la grandes ciudades, este centro educativo va a crear nuevas generaciones de profesiones para darles un mejor futuro a sus familias por muchos años.

Planning for Expeditions in the Future

Quiero estar en todas las expediciones, creo que ya somos un grupo de familia que se reúne una vez al año para trabajar en harmonía para el bienestar de otras personas y tengo una infinita gratitud por todas las personas que nos han apoyado, incluyendo a mis hijas, que cuidan de mis perros, Advancing Life Foundation no solo ha impactado la vida de las personas de cada expedición humanitaria, tambien impacto mi vida a un nivel que me hacer creer que hay mucha gente buena en este mundo.

Making an Impact

If you would like to aid the ASEA Advancing Life Foundation’s efforts and help those in need, please contribute to Your gift goes further throughout 2021 when you make it a monthly pledge! The foundation’s corporate partner, ASEA, matches all donations throughout 2021 given as part of a monthly commitment—so select the monthly option when you give, and every contribution will have double the impact on worthy causes worldwide!

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