Spotlighting Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Spotlighting Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Since January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, we are happy to provide an update on the progress being made through the ASEA® Advancing Life Foundation’s partnership with Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.).

O.U.R. recently reported on the new Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) center in Ukraine. The project began in 2020 and has already conducted nine arrests and 425 rescues. With the project still ramping up, these missions will continue to grow in 2021. Important work for the support of sex trafficking survivors has been established alongside the rescue missions.

In Malaysia, teams have begun setting up the digital forensics lab so it is ready to receive equipment once the pandemic protocols allow operators to return. As in many countries, COVID restrictions have caused havoc in Southeast Asia; despite this, O.U.R. has conducted consistent training and has hired a local Malay national to assist in procuring equipment. A full-time country director will oversee operations as soon as possible in the area. The team is very excited about the project and expects it to have an impact similar to the ICAC center in Thailand. 

Also of note, police dog Jab has landed in the North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigations with Special Agent Cassidy Halseth. Banner, meanwhile, has helped with nine arrests in the last year in Alabama, and Champ assisted with two arrests in Missouri.

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