
More Families Benefit From TECHO Rain-Harvesting Systems in Mexico

After announcing our newest partnership with TECHO, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting extreme poverty in Latin America, operations continue to benefit those in need. The rainy season in Mexico starts in February and runs to August, so the timing of new rain-harvesting installations will be exceptionally helpful to many families’ health and well-being.

Many of the communities have already come together to collectively decide upon rules for the use of the water. They have discussed the needs of the community and which families are the most vulnerable, and they have determined how best the water can be used. Decisions like these are key because they provide opportunities for the community to understand individual family situations and pull everyone together as a community.

In one of the areas, TECHO is thrilled that having this system will not only give families access to clean water but also a means of beautifying their communities with flowers and plants during the dry season. This improved environment provides the community with greater hope and pride in their surroundings, which in turn inspires the achievement of more and higher dreams.

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