Thank you for such a phenomenal gift and touching opportunity. I am very thankful for an amazing trip. My heart is full.This trip to Concepcion was of great significance for me. It was an opportunity to express my love and gratitude to the people and the country where I grew up.
My father used to say, what good is it to have everything, in life if you cannot share what you have with those you love.
When I made the decision to go to Mexico, I was sure I would help many people. I knew our work would make a positive change in each of the families’ lives. And it did.
I told myself that the environment was going to be cold, sleeping on the ground and no showers. I did not prepare for the unconditional love, respect and gratitude from the community of Conception.
Meeting Juan, Don Baltazar, Adrian, Flor, Juanita, and the Youth Group Choice was overwhelming. They welcomed me as if they knew me all of my life. To hear them call me by name (Vero), made me feel at home.
The experience was positive and rewarding. During the nights when I was alone I had time to reflect and remember my childhood. I grew up with the same needs, but had a happy childhood, because I was free and grateful. When you have nothing, you are grateful for everything you receive. When I came to the United States, I received blessings, but I lost a part of something inside of me. I forgot how to be grateful. It is so easy to forget to thank God for the things you have when they are so readily available.
I had to remember to love the simple things in life. The things you don’t think about every day. Like thanking God for good weather and the ability to finish our project. Expressing gratitude for a cup of hot coffee when I was cold, or receiving love from the children of Concepcion. It allowed me to return and reconnect with my culture; it reminded me we do not need to have everything in life; just love for others.
From the day I got home, not a single day has passed without me telling my daughters and husband how much I love, them every day with them. I thank God for the blessings I have received. I am eternally grateful to you, and the company for allowing me this opportunity to give back to my people and remember to be thankful for the little things in life.
Veronica Burke